Also find Delhi to Jaipur best travel options with driving directions and route map Distance from Srinagar to Jaipur (Sheikh ul-Alam International Airport – Jaipur International Airport) is 497 miles / 800 kilometers / 432 nautical miles. Srinagar to Jaipur Indigo 6E320 at 09:35 is the first flight while Indigo 6E320 at 17:10 is last flight on this route.
Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio's travel planner. Get Srinagar to Jaipur Distance, Travel Duration by Road, Flight, Trains and Bus at There are 6 ways to get from Srinagar to Jaipur by plane, train, bus, taxi or car. The aerial distance between Jaipur to Srinagar flight is approx 802 km. Flights Srinagar to Jaipur. ixigo trip planner finds the best modes of transport for your Jaipur to Srinagar trip. Search and compare all major airlines and travel agents for cheap flights Srinagar to Jaipur on The map also shows the approximate time taken to travel to Srinagar from Jaipur by road. The road distance is 1046.5 km. Given below is the road distance between Jammu and Srinagar.If more than one route is available, alternate routes will also be displayed. The map given below gives road map and travel directions to reach Srinagar from Jaipur by car or bus. Get driving directions How do I travel from Jaipur to Srinagar without a car? The best way to get from Jaipur to Srinagar without a car is to bus which takes 19h 48m and costs ₹2,200 - ₹2,300. See the distance between Jaipur and Srinagar with map locating shortest roads and directions from Jaipur to Srinagar. The lowest airfare of Srinagar to Jaipur flight is Rs 3286 and the average airfare is …
The map given below gives road map and travel directions to reach Srinagar from Jammu by car or bus. Given below is the road distance between Jaipur and Srinagar.If more than one route is available, alternate routes will also be displayed. Distance from Jaipur to Srinagar (Jaipur International Airport – Sheikh ul-Alam International Airport) is 497 miles / 800 kilometers / 432 nautical miles. Get information on One way , Round trip Distance & time of all domestic airlines with flight number for Srinagar Jaipur route. Srinagar (/ ˈ s r iː n ə ɡ ər / ()) is the largest city and the summer capital of the Indian union territory of Jammu and Kashmir.It lies in the Kashmir Valley on the banks of the Jhelum River, a tributary of the Indus, and Dal and Anchar lakes.
See also a map, estimated flight duration, carbon dioxide emissions and the time difference between Srinagar and Jaipur. See also a map, estimated flight duration, carbon dioxide emissions and the time difference between Jaipur and Srinagar. The aerial distance between Srinagar to Jaipur flight is approx 802 km. Select an option below to see step-by-step directions and to compare ticket prices and travel times in Rome2rio's travel planner.
Booking Srinagar to Jaipur flight ticket online gives you several benefits like reward points, insurance, 24/7 customer support and access to multiple airlines. There are 6 ways to get from Srinagar to Jaipur by plane, train, bus, taxi or car. Check distance from Srinagar to Jaipur & Duration book air tickets online at The map also shows the approximate time taken to travel to Srinagar from Jammu by road. Get the distance of Srinagar from Jaipur by road in km.
Jaipur to Srinagar Indigo 6E320 at 05:50 is the first flight while Indigo 6E320 at 22:20 is last flight on this route. See the distance between Srinagar and Jaipur with map locating shortest roads and directions from Srinagar to Jaipur. Jaipur to Srinagar distance. The lowest airfare of Jaipur to Srinagar flight is Rs 4088 and the average airfare is Rs 6042 depending on the airline, timings and availability. Whether you are booking a one way flight ticket from Srinagar to Jaipur or a round trip ticket, you can rest assured on getting the best deals and offers on Srinagar to Jaipur flight tickets. The distance between Jaipur and Srinagar is 802 km.
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