The first government was headed by Vladimir Lenin as Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Russian SFSR and the last by Boris Yeltsin as both head of government and head of state under the title of President. Initially, the state did not have an official name and wasn't recognized by neighboring countries for five months. The capital of the Russian SFSR was Moscow and the other major urban centers included Leningrad, Novosibirsk, Sverdlovsk, Gorky and Kuybishev. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 26 décembre 2020 à 02:02. The Soviet government first came to power on 7 November 1917, immediately after the interim Russian Provisional Government later headed by liberal Alexander Kerensky, which governed the Russian Republic, was overthrown in the October Revolution, the second of the two Russian Revolutions. L'URSS cesse d'exister par l'accord de Minsk du 8 décembre 1991 et les accords d'Alma-Ata du 21 décembre 1991[4]. The economy of Russia became heavily industrialized, accounting for about two-thirds of the electricity produced in the USSR. On 17 March 1991, an all-Russian referendum created the post of President of the RSFSR. After 1993, when the Soviet form of government was officially dissolved in the Russian Federation, the final flag of the Russian Federation was changed to the original civil ensign with its original 2:3 proportions. The next flag was used from 1937, notably during World War II. République socialiste fédérative soviétique de Russie; Guerre soviéto-polonaise; Modèle:Palette Divisions URSS; République socialiste soviétique d'Ukraine; République socialiste soviétique d'Ouzbékistan; République socialiste soviétique de Biélorussie; République socialiste soviétique … [7] The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed on 3 March 1918, giving away much of the border lands in the west of the former Russian Empire to the German Empire (Germany) in exchange for peace during the last year of the rest of World War I. In 1922, the Russian SFSR signed the Treaty on the Creation of the USSR officially setting up of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The first government was headed by Vladimir Lenin as Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Russian SFSR and the last by Boris Yeltsin as both head of government and head of state under the title of President. La constitution de 1978 reconnaissait un certain nombre de subdivisions administratives, dont quelques-unes disposaient d'un large degré d'autonomie. La république socialiste fédérative soviétique de Russie (en abrégé RSFS de Russie ou RSFSR ; en russe Росси́йская Сове́тская Федерати́вная Социалисти́ческая Респу́блика, Rossiïskaïa Sovietskaïa Federativnaïa Sotsialistitcheskaïa Respoublika (Rossiïskaïa SFSR, RSFSR), littéralement « République socialiste fédérative des conseils russe »)[note 1], était l'une des quinze républiques socialistes soviétiques formant l'Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques (URSS). The Congress of People's Deputies of the Republic adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty of the Russian SFSR on 12 June 1990, which was the beginning of the "War of Laws", pitting the Soviet Union against the Russian Federation and other constituent republics. Free Public Reputation Profile - For Georgie Le. On 25 December 1991, during the collapse of the Soviet Union, which concluded on the next day, the republic was officially renamed the Russian Federation, which it remains to this day. Titre II. Gorbatchev arrive au pouvoir en 1985 en prenant la tête du Parti communiste de l'Union soviétique (PCUS) avec la volonté de réformer le régime pour combattre la stagnation économique et les reliquats du stalinisme, mais ses réformes donnent des résultats plutôt mitigés. Meanwhile, anti-Bolsheviks coined the mocking label Sovdepia for the nascent state of the Soviets of Workers' and Peasants' Deputies.[17]. En 1989, pour la première fois depuis le début de l'ère soviétique, des élections libres ont lieu, les partis politiques sont autorisés en 1990. Elle est dotée de la Constitution de la république soviétique fédérative socialiste de Russie, élaborée par la Commission dirigée par Sverdlov et ratifiée le 10 juillet 1918 par le Ve Congrès des Soviets. Une guerre civile va, ensuite, opposer pendant trois ans les Russes blancs (républicains ou monarchistes, comptant dans leur rang les généraux Krasnov, Dénikine et Kornilov), assistés par les puissances occidentales, aux bolcheviks. A huge military parade, hosted by the President of Russia, is annually organised in Moscow on Red Square. The 1977 Soviet Constitution stated that "[a] Union Republic is a sovereign [...] state that has united [...] in the Union"[14] and "each Union Republic shall retain the right freely to secede from the USSR". Le lendemain, l'URSS est formellement dissoute. The agreement declared dissolution of the USSR by its original founding states (i.e., renunciation of the 1922 Treaty on the Creation of the USSR) and established the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) as a loose confederation. [33] That same night, the Soviet flag was lowered and replaced with the tricolor. L'organisation de l'URSS fait coexister deux ordres institutionnels différents: celui de l'État et celui du Parti communiste de l'Union soviétique, qui « noyaute » le premier. [34], Russia made a significant turn toward developing a market economy by implanting basic tenets such as market-determined prices. By the will of the peoples of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, who decided on the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics during the Tenth All-Russian Congress of Soviets, the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, being a part of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, devolves to the Union the powers which according to Article 1 of the Constitution of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics are included within the scope of responsibilities of the government bodies of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The flag of the Russian SFSR changed numerous times, with the original being a field of red with the Russian name of the republic written on the flag's centre in white. Commissariat du peuple à l'Instruction publique , Russian S.F.S.R. République socialiste fédérative soviétique de Russie Cet article ne cite pas suffisamment ses sources ( décembre 2020 ). Rossiyskaya Sovetskaya Federativnaya Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika, IPA: [rɐˈsʲijskəjə sɐˈvʲɛtskəjə fʲɪdʲɪrɐˈtʲivnəjə sətsɨəlʲɪˈsʲtʲitɕɪskəjə rʲɪˈspublʲɪkə] (listen)), previously known as the Russian Soviet Republic[7] and the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic[8] as well as being unofficially known as Soviet Russia,[9] Russian Federation[10] or simply Russia, was an independent socialist state from 1917 to 1922, and afterwards the largest and most populous of the Soviet socialist republics of the Soviet Union (USSR) from 1922 to 1991, until becoming a sovereign part of the Soviet Union with priority of Russian laws over Union-level legislation in 1990 and 1991, the last two years of the existence of the USSR. [19] This name and Russia were specified as the official state names on 21 April 1992, an amendment to the then existing Constitution of 1978 and were retained as such in the subsequent 1993 Constitution of Russia. However, based on the historical community of peoples and relations between the three states, as well as bilateral treaties, the desire for a democratic rule of law, the intention to develop their relations based on mutual recognition and respect for state sovereignty, the parties agreed to the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States. It happened immediately after the interim Russian Provisional Government, most recently led by opposing democratic socialist Alexander Kerensky (1881–1970), which governed the new Russian Republic after the overthrow of the Russian Empire government of the Romanov imperial dynasty of Czar Nicholas II the previous March, was now itself overthrown during the following October Revolution, the second of the two Russian Revolutions that turbulent year of 1917 during World War I. The August 1991 Soviet coup d'état attempt with the temporary brief internment of President Mikhail Gorbachev destabilised the Soviet Union. At the end of World War II Soviet troops of the Red Army occupied southern Sakhalin Island and the Kuril Islands off the coast of East Asia, north of Japan, making them part of the RSFSR. The second flag had the letters РСФСР (RSFSR) written in yellow within the canton and encased within two yellow lines forming a right angle. The Russian Soviet Republic was proclaimed on 7 November 1917 (October Revolution) as a sovereign state and the world's first constitutionally socialist state guided by communist ideology. lors du traité de Brest-Litovsk. For most of the Soviet Union's existence, it was commonly referred to as Russia, even though technically Russia itself was only one republic within the larger union of 15 republics—albeit by far the largest, most powerful and most highly developed. The Soviet red stars are also encountered, often on military equipment and war memorials. Prolétaires de tous les pays, unissez-vous ! After reconquering Estonia and Latvia in 1944, the Russian SFSR annexed their easternmost territories around Ivangorod and within the modern Pechorsky and Pytalovsky Districts in 1944–1945. Reputation Profiles include free contact info & … République soviétique de Donetsk-Krivoï-Rog, Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques, République socialiste soviétique autonome bachkire, République socialiste soviétique autonome bouriate, république socialiste soviétique autonome de Carélie, république socialiste soviétique autonome du Daghestan, République socialiste soviétique autonome kabardino-balkare, république socialiste soviétique autonome de Kalmoukie, république socialiste soviétique autonome des Komis, république socialiste soviétique autonome des Maris, république socialiste soviétique autonome de Mordovie, république socialiste soviétique autonome d'Ossétie du Nord, République socialiste soviétique autonome oudmourte, République socialiste soviétique autonome tatare, république socialiste soviétique autonome de Tchétchénie-Ingouchie, République socialiste soviétique autonome tchouvache, république socialiste soviétique autonome de Touva, République socialiste soviétique autonome yakoute, oblast autonome des Karatchaïs-Tcherkesses, président du conseil des commissaires du peuple de la république socialiste fédérative soviétique de Russie, président du Conseil des ministres de la république socialiste fédérative soviétique de Russie, Parti communiste de la République socialiste fédérative soviétique de Russie, Chronologie de l'Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques, Chronologie de la Seconde Guerre mondiale,épublique_socialiste_fédérative_soviétique_de_Russie&oldid=178047493, Article manquant de références depuis décembre 2020, Article manquant de références/Liste complète, Article de Wikipédia avec notice d'autorité, Page utilisant le modèle Autorité avec un paramètre local, Portail:Époque contemporaine/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Parti ouvrier social-démocrate de Russie (bolchevik). Confronted with opposition to the presidential power of decree and threatened with impeachment, he "dissolved" the parliament on 21 September, in contravention of the existing constitution, and ordered new elections and a referendum on a new constitution. Republic in the Soviet Union (1922–1991) and sovereign state (1917–1922 and 1990–1991), "Soviet Russia" redirects here. Vers 1991, un véritable dualisme du pouvoir s'installe à Moscou. Son territoire est aujourd'hui celui de la fédération de Russie. Dispositions générales de la Constitution de la République socialiste fédérative soviétique de Russie. [11] Russians formed the largest ethnic group. The native Soviet Russian national personification is Mother Russia. On 30 December 1922, the First Congress of the Soviets of the USSR approved the Treaty on the Creation of the USSR, by which Russia was united with the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic and Transcaucasian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic into a single federal state, the Soviet Union. On 24 December, Yeltsin informed the Secretary-General of the United Nations that by agreement of the member states of the CIS the Russian Federation would assume the membership of the Soviet Union in all UN organs (including the Soviet Union's permanent seat on the UN Security Council). Official language in the courts from 1937. The area is rich in mineral resources, including petroleum, natural gas, and iron ore.[20], Novgorod Republic • Vladimir-Suzdal En effet, la puissance montante des structures étatiques russes libérées de la tutelle du PCUS, avec Eltsine en tête, se trouvent face aux organes du pouvoir soviétique et communiste, « archaïque » et « conservateur », essayant en vain de freiner les « réformes gorbatcheviennes » et de préserver le système soviétique. The former entailed implementing fiscal and monetary policies that promote economic growth in an environment of stable prices and exchange rates. According to law, during 1992, it was allowed to use the old name of the RSFSR for official business (forms, seals, and stamps). [16] The next day after the lowering of the Soviet red flag from the top of the Kremlin Senate building of the Moscow Kremlin in Moscow, the USSR was self-dissolved by the Soviet of the Republics on 26 December, which by that time was the only functioning parliamentary chamber of the All-Union Supreme Soviet (the other house, Soviet of the Union, had already lost the quorum after recall of its members by the several union republics). A number of lawyers believe that the denunciation of the union treaty was meaningless since it became invalid in 1924 with the adoption of the first constitution of the USSR. The treaty was included in the 1924 Soviet Constitution,[clarification needed] adopted on 31 January 1924 by the Second Congress of Soviets of the USSR. This version of the flag was used from 1954 all the way to 1991, where it was changed due to the collapse of the Soviet Union. At a total of about 17,125,200 km (6,612,100 sq mi), the Russian SFSR was the largest of its fifteen republics, with its southerly neighbor, the Kazakh SSR, being second. Under his rule, the Russian SFSR and the rest of the Soviet Union went through an era of stagnation. A network of territorially organized public-health services provided health care. Toutes les informations de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France sur : Russie (République socialiste fédérative soviétique) (1918 - 1991) Corporate Author Russian S.F.S.R., enacting jurisdiction. Staline détient alors tous les pouvoirs. For the former socialist nation as a whole, see, • Russian SFSR renamed into the Russian Federation, Российская Советская Федеративная Социалистическая Республика, Autonomous Republics within the Russian SFSR, Российская Социалистическая Федеративная Советская Республика. On 12 June, Boris Yeltsin was elected President of Russia by popular vote. Internationally, the RSFSR was recognized as an independent state in 1920 only by bordering neighbors of Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Lithuania in the Treaty of Tartu and by the short-lived Irish Republic in Ireland.[18]. [30][31][32] Although the 12 December vote is sometimes reckoned as the moment that the RSFSR seceded from the collapsing Soviet Union, this is not the case. Chapitre V. 9. After the death of Joseph Stalin, 5 March 1953, Georgy Malenkov became the new leader of the USSR. Tout en esquissant des réformes, celui-ci tente malgré tout de respecter les engagements de la Russie vis-à-vis de ses alliés (France, Royaume-Uni, etc.) On 8 December 1991, at Viskuli near Brest (Belarus), Yeltsin, Ukrainian President Leonid Kravchuk and Belarusian leader Stanislau Shushkevich signed the "Agreement on the Establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States", known in media as the Belavezha Accords. James C. Docherty, Peter Lamb. La RSFSR reprend de l'URSS les trois quarts de son territoire, plus de la moitié de sa population, les deux tiers de son industrie et la moitié de sa production agricole. The hammer and sickle and the full Soviet coat of arms were still widely seen in Russian cities as a part of old architectural decorations until its slow gradual removal in 1991. L’ancienne république d'Extrême-Orient, proclamée indépendante de facto dès 1920 avec le soutien bolchévique contre l'ancien pouvoir impérial russe, connaît également un important conflit avec l'armée blanche, qui en reprend le contrôle en 1921 avec l'aide des Japonais, mais l'aide soviétique contre les troupes japonaises permettra à la république de reprendre brièvement son indépendance, qu’elle perd à nouveau lorsqu'elle est annexée par décret en 1922 à la RSFR, dont le territoire est alors étendu sur toutes les frontières nord de la Chine et la façade Pacifique. At the time of the Soviet Union's demise, the Yeltsin government of the Russian Republic had begun to attack the problems of macroeconomic stabilization and economic restructuring. En pratique : Quelles sources sont attendues ?
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